Sunday, November 28, 2010

A New Routine

As usual when I'm going through a funk I stop writing and of course this is when I should be getting my thoughts out. I have decided to change a lot of things in my life and in my mind. I am so tired of being scared and insecure this is a challenge I am facing head on. I ask myself what are you afraid of and why don't you take any risks? You know I really don't have a reasonable answer. I don't even have a clue, it's like the monster under your bed when you were a kid, it didn't really exist. I am setting up defined steps in a routine I am going to embark upon in a quest to stretch myself to accomplice more of what my potential provides. Interesting words, now to put it in to practice. I will write down my goals, the plan, the results as I go along this path I am blazing. This is a very positive undertaking and I am anxious to get it moving.

See Ya Dave