Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tough Time Of The Year

Almost everyone that knows me and my history knows why this time of year is tough for me.

I don't want to stay stuck in the past any longer. This is easy to say but my mind has something blocking me from overcoming these thought patterns. I am actively controlling my thoughts as best as I can. This is a constant battle to stay in the right frame of mind and not just let old patterns reappear. Over the years I have had good holiday seasons and also bad. My wife and children have had to deal with my mood and sometimes my need to just escape. At times I wonder how and why Mary has put up with me, she must love me. I am today fighting a very deep depression and I know that the changes in my life circumstances has a lot to do with it. I am letting everything mount up on me and it gets to feeling overwhelming. So as I go through the next few weeks I ask God and myself for some grace and patients. Have a great Christmas and holiday season and take care of yourselves, I love you all.

See Ya Dave

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