Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Guide For Old Guys

I'm 54 and still learning as I go. Done a lot of things both good and bad but nothing horrible. I lied to my wife about money situations out of stupid pride. I haven't been a very good family leader or at planning for the future. I have worked for 30 years, raised great kids, been faithful to my dear wife. This is not enough though, once the kids grow up and move out everything changes. I lost the motivation and day to day activity that went along with parenthood. I am not needed the way I always was before especially by my wife. Showing vulnerability is different than showing weakness or fear this is walking a tightrope and not very attractive. I don't know that I'm qualified to give advise to anyone all I can do is share my experience and see where that leads. Is this just boring drivel or is it worth looking at?
See Ya Dave

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